Monday, November 1, 2010

Southfield Public Library @ MLA

SPL is going to 2010 MLA (Michigan Library Association) Annual Conference! This year, the MLA Conference will be held in Traverse City, Michigan from Wednesday, November 10 - Friday, November 12; SPL's Outreach Department is honored to be invited. My co-worker Katherine, boss Kelly and myself will be hosting our own workshop, Selling Your Library: Merchandising Made Priceless, on how to apply merchandising and design techniques to public libraries' facilities to entice patrons to use libraries' services. To reflect this, Katherine searched the web to find a more creative way of presenting instead of a linear PowerPoint. is an amazing way to illustrate a simple, yet effective non-linear presentation for any subject matter. Prezi uses ActionScript (Flash) coding to create an endless palette format that draws a non-sequential path, both manually and default settings, panning across the viewing screen in random direction(s). With the options of twisting and turning, zooming in and zooming out, your audience can easily get motion sickness. However, having patience along with trail and error, you too can make an impressive Prezi. Though I read and watched all Prezi tutorials, it took me losing my Prezi, asking for technical support and reading other Prezi users' comments to understand and execute my Prezi.

Prezi's Flaws:

Don't be fooled! Yes, Prezi may give the impression that is has infinite amount of working space, but zooming in too much can result in losing it all! ~ MY LESSON LEARNED. Prezi is a new development and still has a lot of kinks to workout. With this, the explanations of 'Do’s and Don’ts' are not articulated well in their tutorials. Some things will be discovered through by your own experience and viewing other Prezi users' comments. Just like with any other new technology/software you will have problems but it's up to you to find out the limitations and have the willingness to learn how to manipulate the program.

Prezi's Pros:

Just the name Prezi sounds like fun! Prezi keeps the audiences entertain with movement, images and video. With Prezi you can add video links, such as, to give you viewers more then written and jpg examples. Another asset of Prezi is the option to upload SWF files. Knowing how to use Adobe Flash as an animation program, I was able to create some really cool animations for our Prezi presentation. One great example of that is:

I was overly excited to know that I was able to personalize and BRAND our Prezi through by both images and videos. But not everyone is capable of creating his or her own movie. I suggest going to one of my favorite resources for purchasing photos, video and vector images - Using this site can get kind of pricey, but it's well worth the expense. Finally, the usage of Prezi is FREE, but you are given a limited amount of space (500 MG) and your presentation is open to be viewed by the public unless you decide to upgrade by purchasing hosting through by Prezi, which can get expensive.

Another benefit for attending our workshop on Wednesday, November 10, all librarians will be given a brochure, Merchandising: Tips & Ticks that will have both explain and have visual examples on how to apply all that was taught during our Prezi presentation.

Southfield Library Prezi:

Please checkout Southfield Library's Prezi named MLA Presentation. Feel free to make comments and/or select the like button! NOTE: Our Prezi is still a work-in-progress!

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